This Tuesday was a really great day consisting of three lectures at the Peter Sven-school in Helsingborg.
Things that we learned and things that were great:

Things that we learned and things that were great:
- How fun it is to play and sing with people you have never met before.
- How good it feels when students get to move around instead of sitting still during a long lesson about HIV/AIDS
- How amazing it feels when all the technical equipment is working (Yeii! :D)
- That the students were able to sit still and listen and at some occasions ask us questions.

New look, almost summer :D
Now that we hace updated the look of the blog, we can all just sit down and relax
for a while. Take a cool drink and enjoy the absolutely beautiful weather!
Hope you like the new design and please keep reading about our work.
Over and Out!
Take that HIV-test
AIDSfree, that's me
for a while. Take a cool drink and enjoy the absolutely beautiful weather!
Hope you like the new design and please keep reading about our work.
Over and Out!
Take that HIV-test
AIDSfree, that's me


(Vi bygger om)

(Vi bygger om)
Lecture - Kunskapsskolan
Last Friday we had our second lecture about HIV/AiDS and Star For Life, wich are actually quite happy that we are able to say! :D This time it was at a school called Kunskapsskolan and it was at a good walking distance from our own school, so nothing to complain about there. Since this lecture was our first real lecture in front of a whole croud we had a script to follow along with an amasing power point-presentation which would make our speach PERFECT!! :D

So before we went to this school we had to practise so that we would be perfectly prepared for the day. In front of us we had to lectures and I have to admit we were all just a little nervous, but just a little. We practised our stuff on two of our precious classmates and they seemed impressed. So we set out to find some food since we had not had anything to eat since breakfast.

The first problem that we came across was finding a teacher at the school that would lead us the the room where we wre going to be stationed. After some looking we found a teacher and she showed us the room. We gasped in front of the sight! The room looked a bit like a movie theatre and we were really exited to start.
The lecture went really well and the thing that surprised us the most was the will among the students to ask questions and we could really see that they were listening to what we had to say.
We will always remember this lecture at Kunskapsskolan, and we thank you all for listening to us.
Over and Out
Take That HIV-test

So before we went to this school we had to practise so that we would be perfectly prepared for the day. In front of us we had to lectures and I have to admit we were all just a little nervous, but just a little. We practised our stuff on two of our precious classmates and they seemed impressed. So we set out to find some food since we had not had anything to eat since breakfast.

The first problem that we came across was finding a teacher at the school that would lead us the the room where we wre going to be stationed. After some looking we found a teacher and she showed us the room. We gasped in front of the sight! The room looked a bit like a movie theatre and we were really exited to start.
The lecture went really well and the thing that surprised us the most was the will among the students to ask questions and we could really see that they were listening to what we had to say.
We will always remember this lecture at Kunskapsskolan, and we thank you all for listening to us.
Over and Out
Take That HIV-test
Let's open up people!
It is a interesting thing how the mind of a person can be changed so fast but then again closed to anything that seems hard. On our long journey through this project we have come across obstacles in people that have been telling us that this will change nothing! How can you say that without nowing where this will end? Where would South Africa be today if Nelson Mandela wouldn't have belived in what he was doing and that it was the right thing to do when he was in prison?
All we are saying - is give peace a chance - John Lennon
All I am saying: Give HOPE a chance!
Just something to think about ...
Over and Out
Take that HIV-test
// Frida
All we are saying - is give peace a chance - John Lennon
All I am saying: Give HOPE a chance!
Just something to think about ...

Over and Out
Take that HIV-test
// Frida
Benefit Concert - SENSUS - 1/4 2009
This night was really exiting! It was so much fun getting to see the result of all the hard work that this group have put into this concert! And I was full of anticipation when the night began...

Me and my two friends that joined me that night was a bit early to the place, so we sat down in the grass and just enjoyed the beautiful afternoon. Moa was working and Rebecka just wasn't able to come so I went with my to friends. While sitting in the sun we saw one of the bands, Bulletrain, sitting i the grass some metres away.
Inside we talked a little with the organizers and with some other friends. They had done a really good job! They were selling both beverages and food aswell as the necklaces they are selling for one of the girls in the Star Choir. I put some of the CD's that our group is selling on their table since Louise in the organising group told me I should.

The first band to play was "Striker" and the most special thing about them I thought was their clothing. We had a fun time dancing to the music and when I realized our teachers Markus and Mia had joined us the evening got a little more fun. (You know, it is actually quite hard to picture your teachers outside of the school building!) After Striker their was a comedian called Carl Rydén. He was really funny and I actually have to admit that I thought he wasn't going to be that good. But I laughed through the whole thing...even when he said I didn't really look that good.

After these two we took a brake and I went to buy myself a sandwich, and I have to say: They tasted goooooooooood! xD
My job that night was to take a lot of photos to post here and really just to be there for my brothers in arms, the other girls! We have connected in a way since we are all working together in a way. So just being there for them and just for fun aswell, was a lot of fun.
The first thing after the brake was the girls having a presentation to the audience about HIV/AIDS and Star For Life. You could see that they were really nervous but they got through it and even though the film wasn't working they did a good job.
Next up was Maja Casén and I will never forget the sound of her voice! She sang a Gavin Degraw cover and then some songs of her own. She is original in many ways and I love that she hasn't come up with names to all of her songs. In that way, you can make your own image of the song in your head. (Or maybe it's just me...)

The comedian Adde followed Maja and his best joke concerned his edjucation in Civil rights. I will not post it here, but if your are in that critical state of curiosity and just have to hear it; you may ask me if I can tell it to you ; ). And then, at last, came Bulletrain. This band ha been one of the better bands in their genre that I have heard, and since I was a one of their concerts this summer I have wanted to hear them live again. And they were GOOD!
The concert ended with everyone in the audience standing in front of the stage just jumping to the music. A great ending, to a great evening.
Over and Out
Take that HIV-test
AIDS-free, that's me!!

Me and my two friends that joined me that night was a bit early to the place, so we sat down in the grass and just enjoyed the beautiful afternoon. Moa was working and Rebecka just wasn't able to come so I went with my to friends. While sitting in the sun we saw one of the bands, Bulletrain, sitting i the grass some metres away.
Inside we talked a little with the organizers and with some other friends. They had done a really good job! They were selling both beverages and food aswell as the necklaces they are selling for one of the girls in the Star Choir. I put some of the CD's that our group is selling on their table since Louise in the organising group told me I should.

The first band to play was "Striker" and the most special thing about them I thought was their clothing. We had a fun time dancing to the music and when I realized our teachers Markus and Mia had joined us the evening got a little more fun. (You know, it is actually quite hard to picture your teachers outside of the school building!) After Striker their was a comedian called Carl Rydén. He was really funny and I actually have to admit that I thought he wasn't going to be that good. But I laughed through the whole thing...even when he said I didn't really look that good.

After these two we took a brake and I went to buy myself a sandwich, and I have to say: They tasted goooooooooood! xD
My job that night was to take a lot of photos to post here and really just to be there for my brothers in arms, the other girls! We have connected in a way since we are all working together in a way. So just being there for them and just for fun aswell, was a lot of fun.
The first thing after the brake was the girls having a presentation to the audience about HIV/AIDS and Star For Life. You could see that they were really nervous but they got through it and even though the film wasn't working they did a good job.
Next up was Maja Casén and I will never forget the sound of her voice! She sang a Gavin Degraw cover and then some songs of her own. She is original in many ways and I love that she hasn't come up with names to all of her songs. In that way, you can make your own image of the song in your head. (Or maybe it's just me...)

The comedian Adde followed Maja and his best joke concerned his edjucation in Civil rights. I will not post it here, but if your are in that critical state of curiosity and just have to hear it; you may ask me if I can tell it to you ; ). And then, at last, came Bulletrain. This band ha been one of the better bands in their genre that I have heard, and since I was a one of their concerts this summer I have wanted to hear them live again. And they were GOOD!
The concert ended with everyone in the audience standing in front of the stage just jumping to the music. A great ending, to a great evening.
Over and Out
Take that HIV-test
AIDS-free, that's me!!
Three girls vs. Vittra/Adolfsberg
Tuesday week 14 we had our first presentation outside our own school about HIV/AIDS and Star For Life. We planned this really hard because we wanted to start our series of presentations with a good one! So our day started just before lunch when Moa and I checked that the movie about Star For Life was really working since we were going to show it to the students we were going to visit.
Along with the movie we thought that it could be intresting to have a discussion about the resent statement from the pope about condoms. Because the students we have met from South Africa that is in the Star For Life-project, has been telling us that condomes are really important, but then again, who actually knows what is best? So we prepared some articles about this to bring in to a discussion.

(Here is me sending the articles!! :D)
After a quick lunch we took the bus to get to the school and when we got there we began to feel a little nervous. Especially me, because although I feel confident when speaking in front of people I know when improvising, speaking in front of younger students about something this important feels so much different. But we met with the headmaster and he showed us to the teachers lounge. We said hello to the teachers and then we were off to the lesson.
We began by letting the students watch the film and then they were all divided in to two smaller groups which ment we too had to be divided. Moa went on her own with one of the groups and Rebecka stayed with me and the second group. (And I was a HAPPY Frida :D)
We started of by reading them some statements to which they were going to answer true or false. They didn't really like the assignement at first but when they had to join because their teacher told them they had too it was alright. Me and Rebecka made them follow in our pace and I think they learned something anyway.

(Everyone is having sex. Noone wants HIV)
The best thing about the day was when we were finished and we were talking with the teachers and they told us we had done a good job! I was so proud of us, myself and our project. It is hard to explain the feeling of doing something for someone else, but it feels good. And to know that they hopefully learned something that day, makes me feel all fuzzy inside.

Along with the movie we thought that it could be intresting to have a discussion about the resent statement from the pope about condoms. Because the students we have met from South Africa that is in the Star For Life-project, has been telling us that condomes are really important, but then again, who actually knows what is best? So we prepared some articles about this to bring in to a discussion.

(Here is me sending the articles!! :D)
After a quick lunch we took the bus to get to the school and when we got there we began to feel a little nervous. Especially me, because although I feel confident when speaking in front of people I know when improvising, speaking in front of younger students about something this important feels so much different. But we met with the headmaster and he showed us to the teachers lounge. We said hello to the teachers and then we were off to the lesson.
We began by letting the students watch the film and then they were all divided in to two smaller groups which ment we too had to be divided. Moa went on her own with one of the groups and Rebecka stayed with me and the second group. (And I was a HAPPY Frida :D)
We started of by reading them some statements to which they were going to answer true or false. They didn't really like the assignement at first but when they had to join because their teacher told them they had too it was alright. Me and Rebecka made them follow in our pace and I think they learned something anyway.

(Everyone is having sex. Noone wants HIV)
The best thing about the day was when we were finished and we were talking with the teachers and they told us we had done a good job! I was so proud of us, myself and our project. It is hard to explain the feeling of doing something for someone else, but it feels good. And to know that they hopefully learned something that day, makes me feel all fuzzy inside.

Meetings - the back bone of our project!

(PLEASE, do not hate me for this picture..but you just wouldn't be still!!!!)
There is nothing that won't be discussed at our meetings! Everything from the actual project to how you play "In the jungle" on the guitar and when our teacher met his first love. I like that part of our school and our teachers.
This meeting was important because this was our chance to really tell our teachers where we are in the project and where we are going. We were proudly presenting all the work (hard work actually) that we have gone through to get to where we are. It felt really good.
Moa had to leave early since she had work, but me and Rebecka stayed and we tallked for sooooo long. In a project as big as this is there is surely going to pop up questions and concerns on the way, and it was these concerns and questions that was longing for answers. But now we feel secure and ready to face any challenges!