Keep A Child Alive

I found out about this organisation called "Keep a Child Alive" when I was watching TV the other day..and I was AMAZED! Alicia Keys, the singer, is running this organisation and I just feel obligated to tell you all about it.

She told the story of a young boy from Rwanda who was named Noah. She had met him and she felt that he was a really special young boy. His dream was to sing and to sing that good that he could possibly be able to record an album, and then sell it so that he could collect money for his family and for everyone else that is suffering from HIV/AIDS.

So she let this boy come to America and now he is living his dream.

Charity work @ Yahoo! Video

NOAH'S STORY from keepachildalive on Vimeo.



Leigh Blake from keepachildalive on Vimeo.



Family Care Clinic from keepachildalive on Vimeo.


I do like this organisation, but our project IS about the Star For Life foundation and it is my personal belief that we all need to do something for both. Yes, Keep A Child Alive is a good way, because those who are infeceted need drugs, BUT we also need to prevent HIV from spreading. We need to change our way of thinking about sex and multiple partners!


Over And Out

Take that HIV-test



As you all might know by now,
there are three groups in our school that is involved
in the Star For Life - project. One of the groups
in third, wanted to create a opportunity for the 1st graders
to dig in to what the project is, and what we are doing in school.
So, a theme day was a great way to do it.

The day was planned in stations and groups.
The classes was divided into smaller groups (boys/boys and girls/girls)
They were to go around and visit all the stations during the day.

Station 1 : Prejudice

On this station, my station, the students were to draw a picture
of a person where one half was supposed to be South African
and the other half swedish. Most of the students draw a poor, starved
person as south african and a rich, white and edjucated person as


It is not unusal for people in our part of the world to look upon
the differences like this. We usually learn that "Africa" is more
of a country than it is a continent, which make us think of "africans"
as ONE people, when it is really the same as saying europeans are ONE.
But I could not see myself as of the same culture as someone from Greece
or Italy for that matter.

Station 2: Letters for Masibonisani

On this station the students got write letters about our daily life
to our fellow students in South Africa. We came up with ideas of
subjects earlier and I think it was intresting to see how the students
came up with things to write.


If I remember it right, the subjects were:

  • Culture and holidays (Christmas, Easter, New Years etc)
  • Helsingborg and JHG (Our School)
  • Hopes and Dreams for the future
  • Sweden
  • A day in a life of a swede
There might have been other subjects..but what did you expect? I am not, a memo!

Station 3: Value

On this station we planned for everyone to really think about
how we all look upon people that are infected with HIV.
Everyone got a small piece of paper on which their new personality
was explained. Some was south afriacan and some were swedish.
Some were HIV-infected and some were not. Then they were to
answer questions by taking steps forward. Those who felt
that they had been treated badly in their life stood in the back
and those who did not feel like that, stood in the front.

This showed that almost all people belive that those who are HIV-infected
are poor and that they have been having a long hard life.
This is not reality. There are both poor and rich HIV-infected.
And some have a good life, where they get help, and medicin.
And THAT is what we were trying to show.

Station 4 : Dream books

Here is one of the stations I was the most exited about.
The students were to write their own dream books,
just like they do at the Star For Life Schools.


For Star For Life to be the "mental vaccination" that it is,
and to work as a program that is helping students mentally -
this is an important part of their work.
The students write down their dreams and hopes for the future
and this is just to make them belive in an AIDS-free life.

It was a fun experience doing this yourself
and I actually felt a bit happier leaving the room
then I was entering it.

Station 5 : HB3

On this station we had two people talking about
prejudice when it comes to sex, and sexuality
but also, who to practice safe sex.

I did not personally go to this station since I was handling
station 1 most of the time. But the once I talked to who went,
seemed positive. And that, I think, is the most important thing.


Imagine a dry scenary but somewhat green, barbed wire, and a long road.
You soon see a character, no, there are two.
One is long and the other seems to be a child.
As they come closer you can see that they are mother and child walking somewhere.

This woman is Yesterday and she is on the way to the only clinic around.
After coming back a couple of time because the clinic could not take enough people in
she is diagnosed with HIV.

From that moment on, her life becomes a struggle.
All the things she usually did is not as easy to do anymore.
Her husband who is working in Johannesburg is not willing to accept
that he and his wife are infected and are going to die.

But she just won't stop fighting...

Over and Out
AIDS-free that's me!
Take that HIV-test!
// Frida


Today I went out on a walk to get our posters out in the city.
After giving up on putting them on cars,
since I realised that people are fond of their cars,
I started attacking the bikes! Moahahaha.

So now, hopefully, some people got to know about
the concert on thursday.

When I got in I started to practice my singing.
Right now I feel secure on the words, but my throat is not
working that well with my brain.
Sometimes I loose the tones and sound like a goose!

Anyhow, I am happy that it is still SOME time until the concert..
But then again..It is going to be amazing.

Over and Out
Take that HIV-test!

Now, I am starting to get really nervous

Friday..may 8..Moa, Rebecka and me speaking to a journalist = what a scary thing to do!
It is not that I have never been interviewd before, it is just that I am starting to feel
how much this project is my life. How much it meens and how close that concert is coming.

Moa came to my hose about one hour before we were going to meet with the journalist.
We ate some quick food,
cooked by me,
and then we took the bikes up to the church.
The church is situated approximately three kilometers from my house,
but since it was really windy it was a though bike ride.

We found Rebecka sitting in a car on the way,
so she got to sit behind Moa on her bike. They seem to need some bike riding lessons.
When we finally reached St.Mikael church we were all sweaty
and out of air. It must have been such a funny sight.

When the journalist and the photographer arrived
we sat down and started talking. And I have this nervous twitch! When I get nervous, I talk...alot!
I hope I came across as somewhat normal in the interview
but I do not know what I feel about those photos the photographer took.
We closed our eyes, laughed out loud, sang and laughed at the same time, made faces and smiled wierd..but I don't know..maybe some turned out good.

Over And Out
Take that HIV-test!
// Frida

A little secret of mine

I am going to tell you something.
And since you are all my
loyal readers..I trust you.

When we started this project I had a couple of ideas.
Not all of them became reality but some are now being realized.
I was at the time of the start of the project,
and is now, a proud owner of a japanese school uniform.

I did not know how at the time,
but I wanted to bring this uniform into the project.
So I made a promise.
Instead of buying clothing for myself this second year at Johannes Hedberg,
I was going to save money to our project.
In the beginning I said I was only going to wear the uniform,
but I have been wearing other things.
The most important thing though, is that I have saved almost 2000 kr.
And my uniform is a symbol for my work, and the project.

This is my uniform, even though this picture is from this summer. My hair is red now.
Over and out
AIDS-free, that's me!

Celebrate good times, come on!

Today is..well we could call it a birthday..
only it is not for a whole year
but it is a special day however!

Do you want me to tell you what is so special about it?
Today we celebrate 4 months on the web!
This day, four months ago,
I created this blog. And really, I could not
be more proud of us..and pf the work that we have done so far.

And a big thank you go out to all of you
who in any way have supported us,
or helped us. THANK YOU.


And special thanks to those who have sponsored us! We are very thankful.

Over And Out
AIDS-free, that's me!!
Take that HIV-test
// Frida

Just let them come

Today we found out about something else that is truly positive!
For some time now we have been thinking about
which teachers will be coming with us when we go to
South Africa. We have one teacher that have been following
our progress and helping us all the way. This teacher is Marcus.

The other teacher that has been the driving force in our Mia.
She is a gentle soul trapped in a body of a person who loves to mock her students.
But what would we do without our Mia?
She really is super hard working...and we have her to thank for the
cooperation with Star For Life.

However, we have not been sure if it was going to be these two
who are coming with us..
but today we got the news..
They Both ARE!

I am on cloud nine

Over and Out
Take that HIV-test!
AIDS-free, that's me!
// Frida

The big day is coming closer

For a while we have been thinking about how to promote our concert so that more people will notice it and come.
We have tried sending e-mails to people that our parents know,
sending notes to our teachers, posting posters here and there,
and putting it up on different web sites.

But we have come to a stand still and have been trying to reach tha paper. With absolutely no sucess what so ever.
But since the leader of the choir has been in the buisness for a long time, she had connections with a journalist in the "local" newspaper.

So she contacted this writer, who told her that he wanted to do a interview with her and us three, which she told me. The first I heard of this was this Saturday when I was out walking with Moa, and now she called me about one hour ago and told me that it is happening.

So I called Moa and Rebecka to check times and everything with them and's off! I couldn't be happier!
The feeling of doing something right..just SOMETHING, is indescribable.

Friday around 14.00 we'll be pretty nervous..but oh so ready!

Over and Out
Take That HIV-Test!

O happy day...



14 MAJ KLOCKAN 19.30


(I'm so happy, oh so happy
I feel happy and preppy and gay!)

Vi, projektgruppen, har med hjälp av St.Mikael Gospel från Angelholm anordnat en konsert till förmån för vårt projekt. Så ta med era mammor, pappor, pojkvänner, flickvänner, fruar, makar, kusiner, fastrar, mostrar, farmödrar, bästa kompisar och alla andra som ni tycker behöver lite gospel i vardagen.

Glöm inte!

  • Ängelholm, Stadskyrkan på torget
  • Klockan 19 kan ni komma, men konserten börjar 19.30
  • Det kostar 50 kr, men det går till projektet
  • Alla är välkomna

Over and Out
AIDS-free, that's me!
Take that HIV-test!


I was just checking out the web for things that might be fun
and found episodes of one of my favorite series "Grattis Världen"
starring my idols Fredrik Wikingsson and Filip Hammar.

In the episode they are in South Africa and just checking out the country.
In this episode they find a gas-station and stops by to fill the tank.
While there, the caretakers starts singing a song ...
and guess what? I've heard it before! It is the same song that the Star Choir is singing, Shosholoza!!
I know this is a famous song in South Africa, but it will always remind me of Star Choir and Star For Life.

Here is the version from swedish television. The song does not appear in the beginning, so just wait for it :D

And here is the version the Star Choir is singing. Enjoy : D

Over and Out
AIDS-free, that's me!
Keep checking out this project blog!

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