What's on my mind?

Since school ended it has become even more clear to me
that I am going to South Africa in November.
It is one of the major things in my life right now
and I promise there is a lot for me to think
about even without this!

This Thursday I will get the first
vaccination shot out of three.
And we, my family and me
are seriously thinking about renewing
my passport, since I don't really look like
myself in my passport picture.

But the one thing that is hard about the journey
is tha fact that I MUST stay in the sun this summer.
Usually everyone is told to be outside
but to be careful about getting to sun on their skin.
But not me! OH no!
The thing is that I am some what sencitive
when it comes to the sun
and I usually get really large skin rashes
which hurt very much.

So, if I am to survive in South Africa
I must prepare my skin for the sun.
Voila, Frida must stay in the sun...

Hopeless..where is the nearest swimming pool??

Over and Out
AIDS-free, that's me
Take that HIV-test
//Frida "The sunkist" Jensen


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